【英语学习资料】常春藤周报The Great Human Race
25MB | 国产软件 | 2016-30-08发布
Humans can be found in nearly every region of the planet, and they have lived in some of the most difficult terrain▼ for thousands of years. Humans have survived through extreme weather, natural disasters, and even ice ages. During the Stone Age, our ancestors discovered fire and forged▼ paths around the world using onlylimited ways of surviving for 3.4 million years. However, a new show by National Geographic Channel (NGC) dares to pose the question: could we do it again?
In the latest survival show The Great Human Race, we trace archaeologist▼ Bil lSchindler and primitive survival instructor Cat Bigney in an attempt to follow in our ancestors' footsteps in theirmigration across the globe. In the first episode of the series, they begin the 英文翻译:
在现代人类开始主宰地球之前,我们的祖先,倭黑猩猩和黑猩猩在数百万年前即有共同的祖先:人族。然而,由于演变之故,人属在六百万年前便从黑猩猩属分道扬镳。这点并不足为奇,因为人类与黑猩猩的 DNA 有 98.6% 相似。人属之后的物种成为第一批从人类发源地非洲向外冒险的物种,并且在介于一到两百万年前之间遍佈全亚洲与欧洲。